It’s time to start letting go

I spoke with Donnie’s son last weekend, and told him it was time for me to start going through his dad’s things, and give them a new home.  I hate to part with any of his things.  I suppose it  is because it’s all I have left of my husband.  “Stuff” and memories.

But I still put it off a few days, and instead, decided to go to the garden store.  After all, it’s spring, and it’s time to plant!  I already have vegetables in the ground – potatoes, tomatoes, onions, lettuce and cucumbers.  Plus some peppers.  But I wanted to get a few new flowers, to brighten up the yard.

I found quite a few that I liked, and brought them home.  I put quite a few in the flower bed, but still had some left.  Pots.  That’s where I needed to put the remainder.

I looked around, but could only find one.  But I had flowers to fill more.

Boots.  That’s where I’ll plant them!  In Donnie’s boots.  That way, I can keep the boots, but use them for something useful.

I’d never planted in boots or shoes before, but I’m quite pleased with the outcome.   Nice to come home, and see his boots on the porch, all “prettied-up” with flowers.

Perhaps I’ll find a way to use more of his “stuff”…  a way to bring a smile to my face, instead of a tear.

Flower pots made from boots


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